Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Moments From My Year - The Food Edition

Facebook is rife with these "moments from my year" posts. Copycats...

I wanted to make my own because it's more fun that way. If I could sum up my year succinctly, it would be with ALL FOOD PICTURES READY SET GO!

OK, that one's not actually food.

Neither is that one. Moving along...

Real beer is food.

Sometimes music can be food, too.

If you're a zombie, humans are food.

Unprocessed bok choy. I didn't eat the lady bug.

If you're a vampire, blood is food.

Beer can be food for the sole. See what I did there?

I'm starting to notice that I "eat" a lot of liquid food...

There's food in that bag.


That last one was buckwheat before I hand-ground it into flour to make pancakes this morning. Sadly, I didn't take a picture of them, but trust me, they were delicious for a first try.

Anyway, enjoy your food, friends and family this holiday. Be healthy, be happy.