Monday, August 18, 2014


I was looking at the collard, kale and bok choy plants on my windowsill yesterday morning, and though they are still relatively small in size (and not large enough to eat), I couldn't help but be in awe. I also felt a sense of pride because I've actually kept them alive for over 5 months! Hah. Small's a pseudo time lapse:

Seedlings purchased from the Wyck Historic Farm in Germantown:

"The First Lady" bug back in April:

Occasionally it rained sideways and actually broke off some smaller, weaker limbs.

Starting to look delicious:

My original intent was to re-plant these into a more permanent bed once I found a better place to live. That project has been delayed, so now I'm thinking big picture.

I've kept these fellas alive through temperature changes (and a cold summer), aphid afflictions, accidental over-waterings and maybe the biggest threat - the surprisingly gale-force Philadelphia winds! Seriously.

Acknowledging that they're limited because of the pots, I probably won't get to eat these this year. BUT, I have learned a lot, remembered a bunch of things that I had forgotten about gardening and plants in general, and if I do it right, I will have seeds for next year. We'll see...

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