Monday, August 5, 2013

Just Not Enough Time in a Day...

I've been out here for a week and it feels strange to say that, because it feels like a lot longer (in a good way). I've experienced the gamut (or gauntlet, maybe) of emotions in a short span of time. I've learned a whole crap ton of new things. I've encountered a wide array of personalities. I've pooped in a bucket and showered outside. It's been an adjustment. Life has been hectic in a good way.

We were working with stone last week, and going in, I didn't think it was my thing. I'm still not sure I could work with it after I leave here, but after getting my hands dirty and getting over the frustrations of working in a small space with so many people, I really started to enjoy it, so much so that when given the option to work on the project a little more, I took it. I've spent the majority of the last week on site where the house we eventually build will be standing, moving stones into place, waking up sore the next morning and strangely feeling good about it. Soreness = progress, right?

Tonight is my group's night to cook dinner for the ENTIRE campus, which will occupy most of my evening and is definitely going to test my patience, but in the end, it will be rewarding. I could go off on a tangent about how delicious a self-cooked meal tastes, but I won't.

Somewhere in the midst of all this, I've been finding (or trying to find) the time I need to relax and participate in some leisure activities whenever possible. For example: walks in the woods, drinks with the building crew, swimming, campfire jam sessions, etc...there is a plethora of things going on around here.

Which brings me to why I started writing this post. I've realized over the past week that I still don't have a whole lot of time to dedicate to this blog, social networking, phone calls and text messages (which I don't receive regularly because I have shitty reception here). I don't even really feel like it, and again, I'm strangely alright with that. In trying to keep my focus here on what I'm doing and what I can eventually do with what I learn and the people I've met, it seems like too much of a chore to keep up with on a regular basis. Basically, if you've contacted me in the last few weeks, I'm sorry for largely ignoring you, save for a terse response here or there. I will get back in touch with you...eventually.

Until next time, I just want to let y'all know I'm safe, happy, healthy and enjoying every moment of life on this planet, and I hope you are too. Happy Monday!

Some pics from the last day of our road trip:

I thought that Wyoming and Idaho had some desolate spots, but Eastern Oregon might "win" that battle.

Seriously. Nothing but sand and small bushes for hundreds of miles. No semblance of civilization. This is one of the few times I've actually felt slightly afraid on this trip.

Road-weary toes...

I'm not sure what these were but my windshield thought they were delicious.

Hey! Scenery! Finally! The Cascade Mountains.

Not a speed limit. Just speed.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Buddy :)... I was just catching up on the blog. Great to hear you are having a productive and what seems to be rewarding time. I hope you new friends are getting to enjoy some of your musical talents (I miss them and you). I hope Chantel is having an equally good time. I'll be interested to hear about how your dinner night went. Hugs!
