Thursday, August 1, 2013

A Vain Attempt to "Catch Up" Part 8: Enter Idaho

This is going to be quite the lengthy post...

Visiting the Grand Tetons was an additional stop we threw in on a whim just because we were curious. Beautiful stuff, and not as many tourists! We had just enough time to set up camp, camp, break down camp in the morning, and stop a couple places along the way to take it in. I definitely want to go back. Oh, and Yellowstone, too.

During breakfast, these two little buddies came to visit us:

We took a walk around the campground and saw this mountain of stuff from one of the larger groups. Can you even consider it camping when you bring all this shit?

One more little guy:

I've still been unable to tell what kind of birds these are. Anyone?

The penultimate stop on our journey was a small town in Idaho. My girlfriend had friends there, so she knew what to expect, and she was actually pretty excited to go back there. Like most of you back home, I was thinking to myself "What the hell could possibly be worthwhile in Idaho?" I was pleasantly surprised by the end of our stay.

Seeing these lava formations kinda reminded me of home.

A blurry view of the Snake River as taken from the car.

She's a butte! See what I did there?

Freaking windmills off in the distance. They couldn't come up with a better looking design for these things?

I used to crush boxes and bale them when I worked at a grocery store way back in the day and until last week I had no idea where they went afterward. Apparently they go to Idaho:

And in "I geek out over the weirdest shit" category, this triple tandem trailer that I'd only seen in Matchbox car form:

A dude riding a motorcycle while wearing a helmet but no shirt. Because that makes sense:

Nearing our destination, we traveled through this gorgeous ravine:

That opened up to this view:

And the sunsets, well...

And one more buddy:

Yea, I liked it there...

I feel like I'll be doing a great dis-service to our gracious hosts, because I can't say enough how thankful I am that they took us into their home for a few days and treated us very much like family. Unfortunately, I'm at a loss for words right now. I probably should have written while the thoughts were fresh in my mind. Basically the whole experience was uplifting (I even had a chance to entertain some of their friends and family) and leaving was much more difficult than I imagined it would be. Maybe we can go back some day?

On to Oregon...

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