Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Stories From the Road: Obey the Signs

This fact surprises me: I've traveled over 18,000 miles in the last 6 months and received absolutely ZERO tickets or traffic citations. The closest call happened just before I ventured back east, and out of a normally tense situation, I found relaxation.

I had been mulling over the idea of another extended road trip in my head for a few weeks, trying to listen to messages and follow whatever signs life and the universe were giving to me. During a trip to the Oregon Coast, I suddenly found a peaceful place in my mind and decided it was time to go back to PA, at least for now. I stayed at the beach quite a while that day, paying no mind to the cold temperatures and biting wind. I stayed long enough to eat some dinner on a large piece of driftwood and watch the sunset over the Pacific one more time before heading back to Apro.

I wasn't in any hurry. I was very relaxed, very cerebral on the drive home, so much so that I was able to completely ignore the snow and ice that lightly coated the roads about 20 miles inland. Suddenly, I saw flashing lights in my rear view mirror. I knew I wasn't speeding (and I wasn't). I think I was traveling about 50 in a 55, but I got pulled over for driving too fast for conditions. The Pennsylvanian in me said "Are you kidding me? This is nothing!" What I actually said was, "Sorry about that, officer."

Seemingly as a mere formality, the trooper and I exchanged the usual pleasantries, my driver's license, insurance info, his name (which I forget)...we stopped just short of Miranda Rights. I assumed he was checking out my shit to make sure I didn't steal the car (I mean, how many PA plates do you see in Oregon? Way more than you might think, actually). He came back and let me off with a warning. I don't know if he actually could have charged me with anything because I wasn't speeding, but he said "Just take it easy."

"Just take it easy." Well said, sir.

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