Since the summer ended, things have been oddly dead but still alive around here. There's a different energy surrounding this place. I'm not sure if it's just because this is always what happens around "winter" here or if it's just because I had gotten so used to the people we had here during my course, but it's been yet another adjustment that I've been adapting to. I guess it's true that the only thing constant is change.
The weather hasn't been as cooperative as it was in the summer, and additionally our building coordinator took a much deserved vacation, so things on the house have stayed mostly the same until the past two days. I've been keeping myself busy with "extracurriculars" in the mean time.
Some friends and I decided to take a trip to the Rogue Brewery, and while it was mostly a disappointment, we DID leave with a souvenir: caricatures of each other drawn by each other. Guess which one I am:
Later that same day, we went to the beach on what just so happened to be the last day of Summer. Kind of fitting to watch the sun set on the "sunset" of the season. Really beautiful, as well:
I was feeling a little restless and really wanted to get my hands moving on SOMEthing building-related, so one afternoon I spent about an hour starting a guitar stand. It needs some work, but so far, this is what I have:
We harvested and hulled almonds one beautiful morning. They're still drying and I'm not sure what we're going to do with these yet, but I'd really like to make some milk or butter:
We also harvested a shit ton of apples. What to do with them? Make booze of course! Here's about 6 gallons of hand-pressed cider and the left over apple mash that we then used to make cookies and cakes:
As I said, the weather has been uncooperative of late, but it has created some cool scenes, like these views of steam rising off the roofs after a quick shower:
I went to a restaurant with a couple of my friends the other day, and I was appalled to see this in the bathroom. I can't believe these still exist. I've shit in a bucket and laid a floor made of horse manure in the last few weeks, but I draw the line at rotating cloth towel thingys. I refused to use it, and wiped my hands on my pants instead:
We sang some karaoke one night, and while looking for songs, I saw two very bizarre artist names, (Eye Blind, Third and Loaf, Meat) and there were many more. Seriously, who would ever alphabetize like this?
We've got deer! Reminds me of driving around back in PA:
We also have a storm trooper wielding a match while riding a bottle of St. John's Wort. Beat that!
A beautiful afternoon in the forest:
I find something strangely satisfying about splitting firewood. I also really enjoy how my arms look afterward. I didn't take a pic of the latter. Sorry ladies. ;)
The first Flyers game of the season was last Wednesday. True fans always find a way to watch their team:
I've always enjoyed taking walks in early spring and early fall. The temperature is usually at that perfect state where you want to walk briskly to keep yourself warm but you don't end up sweating your face off as a result. So relaxing:
We happened to have an absolutely gorgeous day on Saturday, so some friends and I decided to take one more trip to the beach. The water was too tepid even for my taste, but it was still a beautiful place to be, nonetheless. It might not be the last time I venture there this year, if I can help it:
We had some builders return this weekend, so we spent Tuesday and Wednesday finishing the sheeting on the back roof of our project house and filling in the insulation on the remaining walls. It definitely feels more like a home now, and I'm kind of sad that I won't be able to dwell in this place that has so much of my (and our building crew's) blood, sweat and love in it. Anyway, looks beautiful, right?
The next step(s) are plaster and windows, among the many other small things that need to happen to make the place "complete." We'll be doing some of it, maybe not all of it, but either way, I'll have more to come from here as always.
Today, we began working on independent projects. I still haven't decided exactly what mine is going to be, but I know I'm going to be doing woodwork.
Have a wonderful day, and until next time, cheers!
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